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- Average cost for your event is $85 per hour, per Massage Therapist, for events scheduled more than 3 hours
- Average cost for your event is $90 per hour, per Massage Therapist, for events scheduled
less than 3 hours
- A small, nominal fee is added for travel time
We will be happy to completely customize your event for you!
We understand that factors such as the duration of the event, budget constraint and the number of personnel receiving services may need to be adjusted according to your requirements.
We bring EVERYTHING needed:
-Licensed and Insured Massage Therapists
- Massage Chairs
- Disposable Face Cradles
- Hand Sanitizer
- Disinfectant Wipes
- Relaxing Spa Music
- Choice of Complimentary Aromatherapy
- NEW! Bio Freeze Pain Therapy
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